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What is an Urbistic viewer?An Urbistic viewer is a custom made, interactive 3D application aimed at design teams, decision makers and the wider public helping them to better understand designs and their real world context. It combines content such as 3D city models, 2D map layers with CAD and BIM design files to create a self contained application which can be installed on a pc or shared over the internet. You can see an overview of the process used to create our viewers here.
Who are your potential customers and users?Anyone who is involved in the development process and has a need to communicate their projects in 3D, either within the design team or to other stakeholders. Our target customers include, but is not limited to, planners, architects, developers and real estate developers.
What are the main potential uses of an Urbistic viewer?An Urbistic viewer can add value at any stags of a development project from site feasibility and valuation, planning, design, contruction and funding to sales and marketing and operational management. Read more here
Do I need any special hardware or software to run an Urbistic viewer?No. One of the key advantages of an Urbistic viewer is that it does not require any special software to run it. All you need is a good computer and graphics card. The web version runs on a standard web browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Or we can create a mobile friendly VR tours.
How much would a viewer cost?All Urbistic viewers are made to order with content and functionality specified by the customer. Where possible we use open source or free to use software and data sources to keep cost to a minimum. This means that an Urbistic viewer becomes a viable option for smaller developments which would not have been possible previously. The viewer can be used in place of, or supplementary to, traditional analysis and communication methods. The model can evolve over the course of a development project from site assessment and construction to sales and marketing thereby reducing the cost. Contact us to get a quote.
What layers and information can be added to the viewer?As a baseline we create a terrain for the project site and surrounding area with a map or aerial imagery base. The baseline is geospatial which means we can add other GIS line, point and polygon data such as points of interest and site boundaries. To this can be added existing 3D city models where available. On top of this is added the 3D design models and 2D plans obtained from the project architects or other members of the design team. If neccessary we can supplement the designs by adding features such as landscaping, lighting and internal features. To this we add cameras, lighting effects, navigation contols and user interface. The specifications will vary from project to project depending on the objectives. Read more about the available features here
What makes it different to other solutions?The combination of being interactive, accessible and flexible distiguishes an Urbistic viewer from traditional methods of development project communication. Read more about the advantages here All viewers are designed with the end user and proposed use environment in mind. The navigation and functionality can be as complex or as simple as you need. All viewers have a user interface (UI) for changing options such as materials, daylight and sunlight and scene layers. Navigation around a scene can be controlled by mouse, keyboard, game controller, UI buttons or a combination of any of therse. Different versions of a viewer can be created with diffentent fuctionality. For example, a web site version could have navigation limited to a number of fixed viewpoints but a trained sales person might use a version controlled with a gaming pad.
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